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    The Southern Arizona Alliance for Bilingual Education (SAABE) announces its third annual Walk for the Fight Against Breast Cancer. This community event will take place on Sunday, October 20th, 2024, at the Rudy Garcia Park (Rodeo Park) located on Nogales Highway and West Irvington Road from 9AM to 12PM. Registration is from 8AM-9AM.


    Individuals will be able to contribute to the fight against breast cancer through a donation to participate in the official walk, which will take place all around Rudy Garcia Park (Rodeo Park). The participants will also buy and support for a commemorative t-shirt from the event. Likewise, there will be a special ceremony to support survivors and remember and honor the memory of those no longer among us. The funds raised will be used to provide free mammograms to women in our community of southern Arizona. At the same time, we will have a flower garden for those than want to commemorate a survivor or those who lost the battle.

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